A pregnant woman standing in front of a window.

Prophetic Understanding of Abortion

A man with his head in the dark.
Pregnant Woman

The following prophesies were given to my mother Josephine Baker over seventeen years. She was a faithful intercessor for the women who aborted their babies. She understood in the depth of her spirit the terrible price paid to be paid by those who abort their young. If you have ever doubted the Father’s position on abortion, these words will drive you to your knees.  The first prophecy has the tone of Jeremiah and was written just after the Wade Roe Decision by the Supreme Court. My mother had received tongues at her kitchen table praying for my father during World War II. She never knew what happened and did not come into the Baptism of the Holy Spirit until 1978.  But that didn’t prevent the Holy Spirit from using her.

I Went to the Oasis with a Watering Can

I went to the oasis with a watering can, but found only a desert.

I stood upon the highest dune, searching as far as eye can see

But there was only a desolation of swirling sand.

I ran to where the tall palms had laid their purple shade,

In raging indignation, I found but brooding blood.

Gagging the pure artisan well and the sands had turned to red.

With a sob of relief, I found but one tuft of grass

still green and coarse, and tough. But it pulled away too easily

To expose decaying roots beneath the relentless sun.

For hours I lay and wept beside the prostrate body of my friend.

Until a wind passed over me

A man . . . A prophet . . . looking down at me.

So you weep!  

In time the tears will fill empty riverbeds.

For the Lord has sent me to warn you of this evil path

That will bring down God’s Holy Wrath.

For the Lord has put forth His hand and touched my mouth

And the Lord said to me, 

“Behold I have given My words in thy mouth.

And you shall become a snare to the desecrator of men!â€

Listen to me well, O Men!

O populous country, full of clamor, O joyous country

Thy slain are not slain by the sword, or dead in battle,

But look to the desecrators who abort them in innocence.

Murderers, I loathe you!  I abhor the act!   

You of no mercy,  Did you not know the price 

of being both their judge and executioner?  

Slayer of the helpless, Destroyer of the seed!

Who will avenge them?

“I,†saith the Lord!

I will avenge them, who she vomited out!

For I will strip her naked and will make her as a wilderness 

And will set her as a land that none can pass through!

I will kill her with drought and she will cry out to dead ears.

As she howls from her bed, in travail, unable to deliver.

And her soul will faint in pain because of them that are slain.

Her glory has blown away as dust.  

For I give her what she desires,  

A birth chamber shrouded as a tomb

Where only poison vipers crawl and death’s dank odor will arise

that no harlot’s perfume can disguise.

Dry breasts like crumbled banks where once sweet rivers ran

will hang as shriveled dung!

And her arms will unending yearn to hold her sleeping child.

But you are nought but sterile sand!

For you have paraded your pride in legal lust 

With unscrupulous wiles and in lengthy tirades proclaimed,

“I am a liberated whore!  The demon is a child!  

We must abort him, abort him evermore!â€

For the wickedness of their devices

I will cast you forth out of My sight to wither in your 

wilder­ness.  No life . . . No spring . . . No shade

And all will lament

because you have desecrated my beautiful oasis.

They will sink into fathomless dunes, but not even the wind will moan. And they will beg for the slaughtered embryo to fill their with­ered wombs.

But only the stinging scorpion will scurry from their hole.

Dark shadows eclipse the sun. No matter how they seek its warmth.

For the accusing innocence, deep in their consciousness fed,

will chill their tormented soul to lay as undigested lead.

Independence will grate the throat for selfishness cannot love,

Sole keepers of the keys of life 

Who spat out God and His Holy Name!

O wayward country, I weep for you in shame.

But who will come to their aid?  The makers of the wicked laws?

Who will write to oppress the poor in judgment, 

And does violence to the humblest of the small?

But who then will rescue them?  They are also lost!

Strengthen yourself, O Ye people!

Gird yourself and be not overcome,

Take counsel together and it shall be defeated!

Speak a word, and it shall not be done,

Because the Lord your God is with you.

Who is wise?  He shall understand these things.

Prudent, and he shall know these things.

For the ways of the Lord are right and just,

But the transgressor shall fall into the pit!


I shut my eyes to the terrible words 

As they echoed across the wilds 

Like the blast from the open furnace.

I quaked like a little child.  Then all was still.

I opened my eyes but only saw the placid sky

I sadly left the Oasis with my watering can.

(Prophecy given as poetry May 8, 1972 to Josephine Baker)

The prophecies and visions in this section were given to Josephine Baker during her many hours of intercession for the women who abort.  She has been faithful in this ministry of prayer for over 30 years.

In 1980 she saw a large river of blood, wide and swift. Men and women were being swept into a large chasm.  The women were crying out for help as they swept by. All I could do was to throw them a rope to save a few. The rope was the Prayer of Atonement.

In 1983, God gave her another vision in prayer.  This time it was a great wave of blood, like a tidal wave. It was so high and huge that it was terrifying to see.  It was red blood with the symbol of death.  It was engulf­ing our nation, sweeping away everything and everyone in its path.  I was sick at heart for I realized it would be almost impossible to contain at this time.  Before the river had banks, and it had been contained. Now nothing could stop it.  It had turned from a river to a tidal wave in just three years.  Then I cried out to the Lord for MERCY.  And He said, “Prayers of interces­sion can do all things.â€

God revealed to me that unless we are willing to lay down our sins of rebellion against His Word.  Repent for not taking a stand against this great wave.  Allow God to touch our stony hearts.  Repent for our indiffer­ence to abortion and for the disunity in the Body of Christ in combating this destruc­tion.  Severe judgment would fall upon the church and the nation.

 Abortion brings death!  It is not only a death sin for women but for the nation.  It is a death sin and I will bring down the nation who commits this sin of selfishness and pride.  The abomination of killing their children.

Do they have mercy on their children?  Then neither will I have mercy on them.  The nation will suffer much grief. Only atonement, prayer, and fasting will lighten My hand,  Only My people on their knees asking forgiveness will I hear.

I have brought you to prayer.  I have brought you to an under­stand­ing. I have brought you to tears.  So you could know the depth of this sin.  The depth of the pain.  To know why I will punish my people.  To under­stand why I must rock this nation.  Humble it!  Until out of the ashes, they will know that I am their God.  The Creator of all life!  

They will not be completely destroyed.  This nation will reign with me in My Kingdom.  This nation will survive but it will be changed.  The people will know Me and honor Me.  The people will serve Me with  grateful hearts! You must go forth to speak, to warn the nation about what is coming.

Fire and brimstone will rain down upon it.  For the earth has taken death into its bosom instead of Life. I am your God!  Look up for the Kingdom of God is at hand!

(Prophecy given to Josephine Baker January 5, 1981)

 For the Lord would say,

I AM the Creator of the Universe.   

I AM the creator of all life!  

I AM the Creator in the Womb.  I Alone!

Man must not tamper in My Creation.  

My Wrath will rise up!  I Abhor Abortion!  

It is an abomina­tion to Me.  

I will raise My Mighty Arm against You.  

For Your child­ren’s blood covers the earth.  

Heed the word of your God![3]

 (Prophesy received by Jo Baker May 21, 1980)

For the Lord saith:

My faithless children!  How can you slay the Innocent?

These are My Children.  These are My gift, a precious gift.

Yet you will not hold My gift precious.  Life is from Me

But you turn My gift to Satan who is death!  Abortion is Satan’s!

tool of destruction of your soul.  For it is a sin of death!

What Pride reigns in the Hearts of those who abort.       It is like leprosy of the soul.  It becomes a gaping sore, unable to heal, filled with darkness, despair, fear, vileness, and then eternal death.

Abortion is a sign of Fallen Faith.  As Satan fell from the heavens because of pride, so will you fall into the pits of hell because of pride and fallen faith.       

For Abortion is death not for the child but for you!

All lost because you would not accept a precious gift of love and life.  Yet how I long for you to know My love,  My faith­less chil­dren!  How can you not know My Father’s love for you?  How can you say I will not provide food for your mouths?  Numbers on the earth are only numbers. Fear is from Satan!  Rather trust and hope is from My Heart.  Trust in your Lord!

Repent! Repent for the destruction of My Innocent! My gift of Love and Life, My precious gift!

(Prophecy given to Josephine Baker during morning prayer in August of 1980)

For the abortions of this nation, this is the weapon I will use.  This is the mighty weapon that I will use against you.  For you have put it into My hand to strike down this nation, to pulverize and to trample you down, to bring you to the dust for this abomination.  For with their blood, you cover your nation, the blood of the little ones.  You did this before My eyes.  You thought not of Me. So, I think not of you!  Zephaniah 1:14-18, 2:1-3.

(Prophesy given to Josephine Baker during prayer for the nation April 8, 1982 during time of deep travail.)

During morning prayer in September of 1983, the Lord gave her the following scriptures.

Gen. 4:9-11  And the Lord said unto Cain,

“Where is Abel thy brother?†And he said, “What hast thou done?  The voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thine hand.â€


And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God, and for the testi­mony which they held; And they cried out with a loud voice saying, “How long O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?â€

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