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Testimonials from Real People

I wanted to share a testimonial for your ministry (anonymous, of course).

I’ve been on a long journey of dealing with a bleeding issue, and among the many therapies I’ve been using to treat it this year, I added court work a few months ago, and it has been an integral part of my healing. After a couple of months of sessions, I can now say the issue is 95% resolved and continuing to improve.

Also, I’ve had profound emotional healing through court work. Several times now, I’ve experienced the Just Judge stepping down from his throne during the session and creating a private, “closed session” where I can experience Him in a safe place as the Father. While I’ve prayed to Father God since childhood, issues with my earthly father have prevented me from experiencing my Heavenly Father in a close, loving way. Now, I’m beginning to have more intimate time with my Heavenly Father for the first time in my life.

Finally, this work has helped me discern the voice of the Father from the voice of the accuser more clearly. Since learning about verdicts from hell, I’ve been able to spot and stop negative self-talk, faulty beliefs, guilt, and performance-based thinking as the enemy’s voice, not God’s. Sounds simple, but it’s amazing how much old religious thinking we must undo, and the court work has helped expose the more subtle lies/voice of the enemy that lies in this category that was keeping me from the mind of Christ and true freedom.


I have been using this book since 2018 and it, along with the author's other teachings on her YouTube channel, has transformed me by teaching me to be responsible and accountable for my spiritual life! If you have read Robin Bullock's book, 'God is Absolutely Good,' you will understand from it that the curses and bad things we encounter in our life are caused by God's irrevocable law of sowing and reaping. This brings me to this author's book that teaches us how to uproot every curse in our life through repentance! There is such freedom in this teaching because it helps us to realize that we are not helpless victims. After all, we have authority through repentance - personal and generational! I have never taken such spiritual initiative and been set so free other than from learning and applying Jackie Hanselman's teachings! I cannot recommend this book and her teachings enough! I struggled with a lot of internal turmoil for most of my life until I discovered this woman's teachings and started applying them to my life. I am inwardly changed from the revelation of the Gospel she teaches with such integrity. So, stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself - get this book and take responsibility for your life! Repentance is not boring - it is POWERFUL! It shuts the open doors the enemy accesses to accost and abuse us. No 'feel good' sermon will ever give you that redemption and freedom! One last thing, after learning Jackie's teachings, you will begin to monitor every word, every motive, and every action of yours because you will never want to sow a bad seed again to give the enemy an open door to your life!

 James KAWALYA on YouTube suggest this book for my deliverance of iniquity and sins, I thank God for his Holy Spirit giving me victories IJN, everyone needs this book in their library! Recommend 

Deliverance is true living god children’s bread. It’s a choice that manifests Jesus christ victory over Satan on earth.

Ministry is from a place of delivered bondage.

To whom much is given much responsibility is required.

I recommend this book to all fivefold ministers so that they can be delivered from profane worship & familiar spirits dark anointings. The antichrist religion spirit in bible schools deceived them that coz their spiritual giftings & calling are functioning they dont need deliverance. But the spiritual giftings and calling are irrevocable so they work whether a person is born again or not.

Specifically five-fold ministers with members in large numbers. So that their members can stop surviving but experience the abundant overflowing power of Jesus Christ in all their life areas. This book is also recommended to all ministers that are about to start a church or ministry. Its best to start ministry from an undefiled throne altar.

This a great deliverance resource. True living God is busy cleansing purifying his church/ministries & eccelsia. This is a great resource & its timely for 2024 & times we are in.

Thank you very much minister Jackie Hanselman

I recommend this book to someone who wants to overcome through Christ Jesus, through comprehension, not compulsion and being awake by personally getting involved instead of delegating this privilege that the cross affords us and God’s word reminds us. Someone who desires to walk into deeper depths of communion with the Lord. Someone who is tenacious about being set free and setting the record straight in their families’ generation and the generations to come. This book is a guideline with depth, but the work is between you and the Holy Spirit, to get back your full voice and heart, that you may come alive every day and be present not absent. All the best.

Obviously, this work is marked by Holy Spirit’s own Hand at a time when The Deep of God is calling His children deeper! This book answered SO many of my ‘now’ questions in various areas and added powerful weapons in the form of the Renunciation Prayers!
Life changing!!
Thank you for paying the price to receive from Heaven!  Grateful for your life!

f they could really teach this right here in all churches...more people would be free...delivered and set free. Truly the binding and loosing has its place...but the devil is a legalist. Truly the accuser of the brethren...but this book teaches you how to present your case in a methodical manner in the courts of heaven....this is a great companion to the courts of heaven books by Robert Henderson.....


More Testimonials

I am the wife of Oliver Wade, who was totally set free from mental illness in 1995. Through persevering prayer over many years, the generational accusations against him in the Court of Heaven were dealt with by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Oliver completed the work when he declared Romans 8:28-35 (NASB) that there was no charge that stood against him. Our four sons have testified that they no longer have a fear of mental illness. There are no symptoms of mental illness in my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Since that time, my prayer team has used these prayers with many hurting men and women from Gateway Christian Center in Tampa, Florida. We have seen the awesome power of God to deliver the descendants of Freemasonry from fear and sickness and heal women from the trauma of abortion.

Jackie Wade

Intercessor for the House of the Lord

It brought freedom...
The Restorations taught my wife, Duffy, and me the power of God's Word in effective spiritual warfare and broke ties to generational curses that had existed over us and our families. It brought freedom to our lives that would not have come about without this God-inspired series of instructions.

Steve Cook, Pastor

Powerful Testimony

Thank you ... to you and Dan for the beautiful work you have done in Silencing the Accuser.

I wanted to say thank you for the chapter on abortions, but I did not want to bring it up during the class; it was too private.

When I held the two bundles - I cried so hard. It was so vivid, as if they were in my arms, my two little girls who now are in heaven ... I didn't want to let go of them for the longest time I held them; my heart poured out so much love and tears, I never thought I was going to let go first. I could have had grandchildren. I could have seen these two beautiful women grow up. I thought I had repented and had made peace, but there was the love I had stored that I got to realize.

They would have been 32- and 25-year-olds today, and they are greatly missed and loved by me. They are now with our father. I believe I have made peace and that He truly has forgiven me today. I still cry, but I have peace, and they are in good hands. They are in the hands of God now, and I will see them one day. There might be more. I have been praying over the Intrauterine devices I have used in the past.

I have been using this book since 2018 and it, along with the author's other teachings on her YouTube channel, has transformed me by teaching me to be responsible and accountable for my spiritual life! If you have read Robin Bullock's book, 'God is Absolutely Good,' you will understand from it that the curses and bad things we encounter in our life are caused by God's irrevocable law of sowing and reaping. This brings me to this author's book that teaches us how to uproot every curse in our life through repentance! There is such freedom in this teaching because it helps us to realize that we are not helpless victims. After all, we have authority through repentance - personal and generational! I have never taken such spiritual initiative and been set so free other than from learning and applying Jackie Hanselman's teachings! I cannot recommend this book and her teachings enough! I struggled with a lot of internal turmoil for most of my life until I discovered this woman's teachings and started applying them to my life. I am inwardly changed from the revelation of the Gospel she teaches with such integrity. So stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself - get this book and take responsibility for your life! Repentance is not boring - it is POWERFUL! It shuts the open doors the enemy accesses to accost and abuse us. No 'feel good' sermon will ever give you that redemption and freedom! One last thing, after learning Jackie's teachings, you will begin to monitor every word, every motive, and every action of yours because you will never want to sow a bad seed again to give the enemy an open door to your life!

I recommend this book to someone who wants to overcome through Christ Jesus, through comprehension, not compulsion and being awake by personally getting involved instead of delegating this privilege that the cross affords us and God’s word reminds us. Someone who desires to walk into deeper depths of communion with the Lord. Someone who is tenacious about being set free and setting the record straight in their families generation and the generations to come. This book is a guideline with depth,but the work is between you and the Holy Spirit, to get back your full voice and heart, that you may come alive everyday and be present not absent. All the best.

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