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Faith Rest Life

Prophetic Message by Donna Milham, June 6, 2017,

I saw envelope with an invitation inside. Would I deliver a message from His Heart?

Vs. 9-11 â€œSo we conclude that there is still a full and complete REST waiting for believers to EXPERIENCE. As we enter INTO God’s Faith Rest Life we cease from our own works, just as God celebrates His finished works and rests in them. So then we must give our all and be eager to experience THIS Faith Rest Life so that no one falls short by following the same pattern of doubt and unbelief’. HEBREWS 4:1-11 TPT

Eat it, drink it, let it go deep into your very being! Let it become your very spiritual DNA because this is who I AM and how I walked and lived on the earth. It is the atmosphere and very substance of heaven.

  • There is no doubt in heaven – there is no panic, anxiety, stress or fear in heaven.
  • There is no burnout in heaven.
  • There is a rhythm, a place that I have created and it flows from within Me. It is the rhythm of the Lion – whose the Lamb – whose the Lion.
    It is the faith-rest realm/life.
    I AM the Lion of Judah who conquered death hell and the grave and I live within you.
    Come Deeper into My Roar; into MY Confident Victory of the Realm of I Am; fully, come deeper into My Rest. For I AM PEACE – I AM REST and I want you to WAIT.
    WAIT WITH ME, on Me UNTIL I establish this deeper into your very DNA.
    You know this place in your heart, you have experienced this as a tangible reality in moments and visitations and former seasons.
    BUT NOW, I want you to know this as a lifestyle as I knew it and as it is in heaven. As you WAIT, I will come and BE with you and I will deposit MYSELF; My DNA of this faith-rest realm/life into your very DNA.
    There is an invitation. I AM who I AM is extending to My people.
    For here there is a realm of healing waiting to encounter. It is like a cloud filled, saturated, and pregnant with the rain of the riches and treasures of heaven.
    One of these riches is Divine Rest – within and without.
    To live within the Sabbath of MY VERY BEING. FOR I AM THE LORD OF THE SABBATH

I AM REST – I AM PEACE and I lived and walked in a STILLNESS within that created and released an atmosphere that surrounded ME and all who came near were able to sense this realm of Heaven and were drawn or not – by choice – to come close and experience MY PEACE – MY REST – the rest of MY FATHER – the REST OF SPIRIT –the REST OF THE HOLY THREE.

John the Beloved came and laid his head on My Breast – My Heart. Oh yes, it was for love and intimacy and being close – just BEING WITH ME.

It was for the rhythm I walked in – never hurried, only doing exactly what I saw in heaven. I was not moved by the tyranny of the urgent. I modeled a lifestyle of Faith- Rest Realm – Sabbath Rest within and around.

As John laid his head on My breast there was a deposit that went into him. He was touching the Eternal Realm of Rest and his faith increased in WHO I AM. That is one of the reasons he stood at the cross. My love compelled Him. My Rest within him quieted him. My faith steadied him.

Each time he waited with Me – intentionally choosing to be close and intimate – to set all aside – not ask for anything – just BE WITH ME – there was a deposit of MY VERY BEING.

And so I invite you this day, will you come deeper INTO MY FAITH – REST- REALM –into the Realm of I am? Do you trust ME enough to handle all that you need to do and come aside, for I tell you so much more can be accomplished from being with Me.

For I long to remain not just visit! I long to transform and not just touch with an anointing. I long to breathe again even as I did upon My disciples.

This is not imparted by a man. This is imparted by I AM. WAIT – WAIT – WAIT

For MY BREATH – for within it – IS MY REST. And within it is healing DNA for body, soul and spirit! The miraculous realm is within THIS REST! The creative realm is within THIS FAITH – REST – REALM!

Busyness is exchanged as the Master Strategist and Knowledge of Heaven. My Ways and My Thoughts – overflows and surrounds. Wisdom – Wise Living – comes in new dimensions with Clarity and Breakthrough.

For I AM Wisdom! I AM Breakthrough! The Realm of I AM is your HOME and I want that to be within and around you. Not as a moment – not as an anointing; but as a lifestyle –an atmosphere around and within.

Transformation begins with you and then begins to bring transformation to your spheres of influence. Just by being – from being with ME and in Me and in My Sabbath Rest –and then doing only what I do, saying only what I say

THIS IS A RADICAL LIFESTYLE! It will cost you all of your preconceived ways and your day-timer may look very different. My measurement of success is very differentfrom mans’

I want you to truly experientially walk and live and be transformed and transform in, from and by My Faith – Rest – Realm. Perfect stillness within! Perfect peace surrounding!

This is one of the greater things for you live in the time of the end when all of hell breaks loose. BUT the FAITH – REST – REAL, M/LIFE WILL be your guide and a beacon of Light & Sound of Truth to the Lost.

Habitation, habitation, habitation. John laid his head on My Breast. I AM is longing to find a landing place where I remains and all that I AM is imparted and deposited – day by day by day.

Nothing else comes before this! This invitation! This place! This Sacred Space of Rest and Habitation is the journey and the destiny – this is success.

Habitation – I AM – remaining

And we – walk and live and move in the rhythm of the Lion and the Lamb and the breath of the REALM OF I AM.

Do we accept His invitation ?
If so, then Come Lord – Lord of Sabbath Rest – and blow, blow, blow upon hearts, minds, souls and being.
Impart upon us, into us, on us! – We wait NOW – for your faith-rest-realm to encompass within and around.

Donna Milham http://www.eagledove.com/www.donnamilham.com

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